Halfway Houses - Best Place to Get Sober

Recovering from an addiction is not an easy task. It's terrifying, challenging, and relapse is all too common. Proper aftercare services and resources must be sought to keep a recovering addict sober. Numerous transitions can occur after residential rehabilitation to continue on the road to recovery. Aftercare is essential on the road to sobriety, from sober living companions to living in a halfway house Austin TX. Residential rehab facilities are an essential part of the recovery process.


When an addict enters rehabilitation, the goal is to get their life back on track. Their body is cleansed of the substance they have become so dependent on by undergoing a medically supervised detox. Following that, it is time for emotional cleansing and healing. Rehabilitation teaches a recovering addict how to live a life free of addiction. It teaches them new coping skills and tools for dealing with stressful situations that have previously led them to use drugs or alcohol. Rehabilitation is not fun, and there are many ups and downs, so a relapse after completing rehab is especially devastating.

sober living Austin


A halfway house serves as a bridge between rehabilitation and an independent home. Former addicts can practice living again during this stage of the recovery process. Sober living Austin provides much more privacy than inpatient treatment facilities or residential settings while still providing the necessary support system and staff. These sober living facilities are typically group homes where ex-addicts can support one another on the road to recovery. This instills in people a sense of accountability as well as hope. After all, the best counselors and sponsors are former addicts in the substance abuse industry.

Sober Living

Counseling and meetings and sober living facilities are recommended to help with the recovery process. Counseling provides resources and coping mechanisms to help with urges and act as a support system. Meetings are also crucial, and many sober house Austin requires that those who live there attend meetings. A former addict has a much better chance of success and turning their life around if they take an active role in recovery.


Relapse does occur, and often the relapsed addict will feel tremendous shame and guilt, leading them to fall further down the rabbit hole. However, by entrusting their aftercare support team and fellow friends and sponsors, the road to recovery is not far away. A brief detox period followed by intensive outpatient therapy may be all that is required to get the relapsed addict back on track.

Recovery from any addiction is a long and challenging road. It could be bumpy or very smooth. That is why there are so many options for recovery. From inpatient treatment to intensive outpatient therapy, there is a treatment option that will meet the needs of an addict. Although full completion of rehabilitation, such as detox, residential rehab, and eventual residence in a halfway house, is recommended, it is not always possible. Regardless of the type of treatment, the first step is to recognize the problem and seek appropriate care in residential rehab.


Ascension House - Sober Living Austin
208 W 31st St, Austin, TX 78705, United States
Phone: (512)598-5030